Hi, my name is Anthony. I'm very excited about posting my first blog on bloggers. I want to tell you a little bit about who I am. I'm an up and coming entrepreneur. Who has a strong passion for writing. I love writing because I can use my creative ability to express myself. The topics that I usally write about, are personal finance, investing and entrepreneurship. I want to be able to change people's reality, so they can see a brighter financial future. The best thing about writing a blog, is you don't need money to get started. I'm glad I have the opportunity to spread my message to a crowd that's willing to listen. The internet has made it possible for every body's voice to be heard. You don't have to be a best selling author, public speaker or a political leader to be heard. The internet has made it possible for you to be heard through blogs, podcast videos, social bookmark sites and other different internet platforms. We are now leaving the industrial age and entering the information age. We are entering times where the old traditional ways of doing things are obsolete. If you have the same old idea's entering this new age, then you will be left behind. In my other blogs I will teach you about the new rules of money. I will explain why saving money and having a 9 t0 5 job is an obsolete idea. Five to ten years from now, you will see high school students becoming self-made billionaires. I know it's hard to believe, but it's possible. Bill Ghates became the world's richest man at age 30. I believe there will be people that become much smarter and wealthier then Bill Ghates, in are time. I'm glad I was able to write my first blog. I hope my readers are able to expand their minds and develope a wealthy conscious.
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